The strategy

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The strategy
Te Rautaki

This strategy has been developed to drive action to ensure that all New Zealanders recognise older people’s potential. It creates opportunities for everyone to participate, contribute and be valued as they age.

Te Whakakitenga

Older New Zealanders lead valued, connected and fulfilling lives
Kia noho ora tonu ngā kaumātua

Guiding principles
Ngā Mātāpono

Valuing people as they age
Te whakaaro nui ki te tangata i ō rātou rā ki te ao

As we age, we all want to be treated with respect and dignity, with our past and current contributions to society, our communities, families and whānau recognised and valued. Longer lives are recognised as an achievement of our society. As we age, we have the right to make decisions and have our voices heard, including planning for what will happen if our capacity is diminished.

Keeping people safe
Te noho haumaru

As we age, we should have purpose and be thriving, adapting to change, and participating in our communities. We should all feel and be safe, living free from abuse, neglect and discrimination.

Recognising diversity and that everyone is unique
Te aronui ki te āhua ake o ia tangata

We all have different needs and aspirations. This may be because of health issues and disabilities; socioeconomic background; gender and sexuality; family circumstances; our life experiences and choices; where we live; our life stage; and our ethnicity and culture. We should all have equitable access to services.

Taking a whole-of-life and whānau-centred approach to ageing
Te whakarangatira i te kaumātuatanga mā ngā tikanga whānau

A whole-of-life approach acknowledges that how we age and how long we live is influenced by a range of factors, including life experiences, cultural and socioeconomic background, ethnicity, genetics, and how well we live and have been able to prepare for later life. This strategy recognises the benefits of a whānau-centred approach.

Taking collective responsibility to plan and act for later life
Te mahitahi ki te whakamahere i ōna rā ki te ao

This strategy is a call to action. Everyone has a part to play in creating a better future for people as they age in New Zealand. Individuals, families and whānau, communities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), businesses, and central and local government all need to work together to achieve the vision that older New Zealanders lead valued, connected and fulfilling lives.

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